Chinese medicine has a long history of using acupuncture for cosmetic purposes, dating back to the Song Dynasty (960-1270 AD) when cosmetic acupuncture was used by the Empress and the imperial family. Nowadays facial acupuncture is a popular way of rejuvenating and revitalising the face, without the side effects, high cost and invasive approach from surgery or Botox.
Acupuncture improves blood circulation to the face, nourishes the skin, increases muscle tone and elasticity (by activating collagen production), and diminishes wrinkles. I use a holistic approach to facial acupuncture and also needle points on the body to treat the underlying factors that contribute to conditions such as dark circles around the eyes, insomnia, dry/rough/oily skin, or puffiness.
The number of treatments depends on the patient's individual condition. You will probably feel some results after the first treatment (especially the following day), but you will mostly likely need about 3-4 sessions before you see noticeable effects.