I remember what my favourite biomedicine teacher, Awais Mian, always used to say about diabetes - the lifestyle advice you're given is not just for those with diabetes, it's for everyone who wants good health. This includes a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, with lots of complex carbs and food with a low glycemic index (delivering sugar to the bloodstream slowly). It means saying no to cakes and biscuits. Vigorous exercise is key, and in my case it's fast walking - not the gentle walks that I used to do, but walking fast enough to really raise my heart beat - and swimming. It helps to have a husband who loves swimming and thinks nothing is more fun than an excursion to London Fields Lido on a Sunday morning.
And of course, I also went down the route of acupuncture and Chinese herbs. This combination of Chinese medicine and lifestyle changes works - I just has a blood test a few weeks ago and my blood sugar level is back to normal. This is probably going to be a lifelong war with sugar, but at the moment the score is Sugar 0 - Tess 1.