Problems with fertility are common, affecting one in six couples in the UK. Many couples came to enquire, but mostly they were individual women who wanted more information. Some have been through numerous (unsuccessful) cycles of IVF (in vitro fertilisation), and wanted to see how they can improve their chances of success. A few are just starting their journey and are very confused at the options available. Do they go down the route of IVF, ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), use donor eggs, or opt for a surrogate?
My message was simple – acupuncture can help boost natural fertility, and if you do decide to go down the IVF route, acupuncture significantly improves the live birth rate of sub-fertile patients undergoing IVF or ICSI. My job is to support the ovaries to optimise their response to the drugs (e.g. ripen more ovarian follicles), reduce stress and anxiety, and manage the side effects of the drugs.