Oh great, just what I need, another cold. So after I got home, I pulled together my arsenal of nature's anti-cough ingredients. My friend Ginie swears by this remedy and posted the following online recipe that anyone can use as a rough guide (http://gwens-nest.com/cough-remedy/).
I mixed raw honey, garlic, ginger, lemon, turmeric and black pepper and kept it in a jar for me to take a spoonful every time I'm in the kitchen. I thought it tasted wonderful despite the strong garlic/ginger taste, though my husband was not so impressed!
The ancient Chinese believed that food is another form of medicine, along with herbs, acupuncture, tui na (medical massage), cupping, and health cultivation. It is wonderful how you can take basic kitchen items and take advantage of their natural antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflamatory properties.
Do try to find raw honey as it has the ability to dry up mucus (but do not give to infants). Garlic is great for the common cold as it has antiviral, antibiotic and diaphoretic (induces sweating) properties. Turmeric has important healing properties: curcumin, the primary ingredient which gives it its yellow colour, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. Take turmeric with black pepper to help increase absorption.
Four days later, I am still coughing but I am hoping that this homemade remedy, some Chinese medicinal tea, and plenty of rest will speed up the healing process.