My ears tingled because I get very excited when I see how Chinese medicine has so much to offer people with conditions that are not very well treated by orthodox medicine. For more than 2,000 years, acupuncture and Chinese herbs have been used to treat symptoms such as night sweats, hot flushes, and low mood.
Health in Chinese medicine is a reflection of the harmony of Yin and Yang. Yang corresponds to heat, fire, dryness, activity, light and day; yin to cold, water, fluid, rest, darkness and night. As women get older, they naturally have less Yin energy. We say that they have symptoms that correspond to a pattern called Yin Deficiency.
Acupuncture’s brilliant trick is that by needling specific points in the body, it brings the body’s energies back into balance. We can reduce Yin Deficiency, thus alleviating the symptoms of night sweats and hot flushes. If you are not crazy about the idea of using HRT and want to use a safe way of managing symptoms of menopause, consider acupuncture.
Click here to see the research evidence for the use of Chinese medicine for menopausal symptoms.